Creator is exactly
GW Levi Kamel (1947-1989)
S and M : studies in sadomasochism
This anthology is part of a series entitled ‘New Concepts in Human Sexuality’ which was edited by Vern L. Bullough (1928-2006), a sexologist, historian and sociologist. The two editors of this volume, sociology professor Thomas Weinberg (1943-) and scholar and public health worker G.W. Levi Kamel (1947-1989), approach sadomasochism from a sociological rather than a psychopathological perspective although the book begins with acknowledgement of that traditional view in a chapter focussing on Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Sigmund Freud and Havelock Ellis. Most of the work considers the social behaviour of those involved with sadomasochism – gay and straight – via exploration of identity, interaction and organization. The book is published by Prometheus Books which was founded in 1969 by secular humanist and academic Paul Kurtz.