Theme is exactly
Mitch Walker (1951-)
Men loving themselves : images of male self-sexuality
The publisher of this book, Down There Press, was founded by sex therapist and feminist Joani Blank (1937-2016), to publish works advocating for sex positivity. She also edited this book which explores male masturbation, primarily through black-and-white images of men depicted in the act. Jack Morin (1946-2013) photographed twelve straight and gay men in settings of their choosing, alongside statements outlining how masturbation relates to their sexuality. The book ends with a section entitled ‘The Psychology of Male Self-Sexuality' which provides a conceptual framework for the images. It includes a list of recommended readings, and an advert for a poster of the book’s cover, available to purchase. Other books exploring gay men’s sexuality, ‘The Joy of Gay Sex’ and ‘Men Loving Men’, were also seized during ‘Operation Tiger’.