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Joani Blank (1937-2016)
Men loving themselves : images of male self-sexuality
The publisher of this book, Down There Press, was founded by sex therapist and feminist Joani Blank (1937-2016), to publish works advocating for sex positivity. She also edited this book which explores male masturbation, primarily through black-and-white images of men depicted in the act. Jack Morin (1946-2013) photographed twelve straight and gay men in settings of their choosing, alongside statements outlining how masturbation relates to their sexuality. The book ends with a section entitled ‘The Psychology of Male Self-Sexuality' which provides a conceptual framework for the images. It includes a list of recommended readings, and an advert for a poster of the book’s cover, available to purchase. Other books exploring gay men’s sexuality, ‘The Joy of Gay Sex’ and ‘Men Loving Men’, were also seized during ‘Operation Tiger’. -
The playbook for men about sex
Author and publisher Joani Blank (1937-2016) described this playbook as the “companion piece” to the ‘Playbook for Women About Sex’. The two titles follow the same format and style and aim to encourage sexual awareness in the reader through the questioning and reflective prompts of a workbook. Blank notes at the start that she was compelled to write this title as no man had done so, although she was assisted by men who advised, edited and reviewed the playbook. The honest and direct content of the playbooks for men and women and the other sex positive titles published by Blank’s Down There Press, meant it was often difficult to locate printers who were willing to produce the books. In 1980, Blank co-authored ‘The Playbook for Kids About Sex’ which was condemned by the UK’s Conservative government in their election campaigning. -
The playbook for women about sex
Using her experience working in sex therapy and family planning, Joani Blank (1937-2016) founded Down There Press in 1975 to publish sex positive books. The first title was this 23-page playbook (or workbook) which uses direct language, illustrations and interactive questions to promote sexual self-awareness for women. The cover illustration is by lesbian artist Tee A. Corinne. The playbook includes sections on masturbation, honest communication with partners and body image. Blank stated that she took “the word ‘play’ very seriously”, but the workbooks also contain humour, as expressed in the final pages which contain a certificate declaring the reader a ‘Bona-Fide Sexually Self-Aware Woman’. Two years after publishing this playbook, Blank founded the Good Vibrations shop in San Francisco, selling sex toys to women. This is one of three books published by Down There Press that were seized during the raids.