Coming out to parents : a two-way survival guide for lesbians and gay men and their parents


Coming out to parents : a two-way survival guide for lesbians and gay men and their parents
In 1975, Mary Borhek (1922-2016) learnt that her son Steve was gay. As a member of the New Testament Church, Borhek initially believed homosexuality was a sin but, over the following years, she not only accepted Steve’s sexuality but became an activist for lesbian and gay rights, particularly within the church community. Borhek turned her experiences into two books aimed at supporting lesbians and gay men and their families – 1979’s ‘My Son Eric’ and, in 1983, the book that was seized during ‘Operation Tiger’, ‘Coming Out to Parents’. Borhek’s introduction to this book expresses sorrow that coming out still necessitates “such elaborate preparation”, and an example ‘Coming-out Letter from Rick to his Family’ is included at the end. The publisher of both books was the Christian Pilgrim Press.
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