The story of Harold
The story of Harold
Underground classic ‘The Story of Harold’ was written under the pseudonym Terry Andrews by acclaimed children’s author George Selden (1929-1989), best-known for ‘The Cricket in Times Square’, winner of a Newbery Honor in 1961. It describes the mostly doomed, often sadomasochistic affairs of a bisexual children’s author named Terry Andrews – whose children’s book, ‘The Story of Harold’, is wildly popular – but who is otherwise on the verge of emotional and physical breakdown. Andrews finds healing by re-working incidents in his own life through stories about his character, Harold, which he relates to the young sons of his friend and lover. The novel is illustrated with several full-page pen-and-ink drawings by Edward Gorey, known for ‘The Gashlycrumb Tinies’ and ‘The Doubtful Guest’ among other works.
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